Forgiveness is one of those oil blends that I would dump all over everyone I could, much as I feel the need to dump Common Sense blend on every passing teenager. As I get older, I’ve become more aware of all the “garbage” of hurt feelings, misunderstandings and offenses rolling around in my emotional baggage. I don’t care what airline you fly on, this kind of baggage costs too much for what its worth.
For some reason we think we are “punishing” the other person by holding on to all of the hurt & pain, when really we are only sucking the emotional energy out of our own lives. Letting it go, forgiving, even if the person really is a certified jerk, is the only way to be gentle to ourselves emotionally. It’s just not worth it. We can’t change other people, but we can stop renting space in our head to them.
What’s in Forgiveness Essential Oil Blend?
Rose essential oil has the highest frequency of all the oils. It is awesome, amazing, gives a sense of harmony and joy.
Melissa essential oil is calming, balancing, and brings out gentleness in spirit.
Helichrysum helps to let go of negative feelings, moving on toward forgiveness.
Angelica may give a sense of calm & restoration of normal, healthy positive emotions.
Frankincense lifts the mental state, strengthening inner reserves.
Sandalwood .
Lavender is relaxing, calming, and centering.
Bergamot is an important part of my wellness lifestyle
Geranium creates a sense of uplifting, normal, healthy positive feelings.
Jasmine has an exquisite aroma which my daughter and I like to wear as perfume. How green can you get?
Lemon may give a sense of stimulation and energizing along with relaxation.
Palmarosa is invigorating, supporting a sense of security.
Roman Chamomile supports normal, healthy functioning of the liver. It may give a sense of wellness and abundance to our lifestyles.
Rosewood bolsters inner strength, relaxation, and contains a high level of the naturally occurring plant compound plinalol, bringing a sense of empowerment and peacefulness.
Ylang ylang aroma may give a sense of balance to male & female energies, centering and enhancing confidence.
Add 2-4 drops of Forgiveness essential oil blend to bath water.
What do you do with it?
Put it on skin behind ears, wrists, temples, back of neck, navel, solar plexus, heart.
Inhale it (smell it) directly out of the bottle. Put 4-8 drops on cotton balls and put in or on air vents.

Diffuse it: Only cold-diffusers, please. Heat messes up essential oils. Young Living has several great diffusers available:
- Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser Item No. 4524 makes a mist with a couple drops of any essential oil and water. Plus, it looks really cool with colored lights & you can hook it up to your tunes. Comes with two 5 ml bottles of oil: peppermint & tangerine.
- Dewdrop Diffuser Item No. 5330 Custom designed with up to four hours of continuous run diffusion, automatic shut-off, and ambient light control, Young Living’s Dewdrop Diffuser can transform any space into a spa-like atmosphere. This one comes in the starter kit too!
- Home Diffuser Item No. 4468 This diffuser is the most affordable, it uses ultrasonic stuff to make a mist from a few drops of essential oils and distilled water. As an extra bonus, when you buy this diffuser you also get 2 essential oils, Lavender and Citrus Fresh, in 4 ml bottles
- Dewdrop Diffuser Item No. 5330 Custom designed with up to four hours of continuous run diffusion, automatic shut-off, and ambient light control, Young Living’s Dewdrop Diffuser can transform any space into a spa-like atmosphere. This one comes in the starter kit too!
Where else can you find Forgiveness essential oil blend?
It is part of the Feelings collection, Item No. 3125. These six essential oil blends promote normal, healthy emotional balance.
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