Well known for balancing and grounding properties, Harmony essential oil blend is my favorite to diffuse in order to calm the troops, establish world peace, and reduce cranky siblings from getting on each other’s last nerve. The spruce essential oil in Harmony blend is suppose to be the same frequency as prosperity—bring it on! Some have suggested applying it to sternum as well as inhaling this blend directly for a similar effect.
What is in Harmony Essential Oil Blend?
Well, the easier question would be what’s not in Harmony blend. It’s an amazing combinations of 17 essential oils which I use all the time, diffuse around the kiddies & teens all the time and love the peaceful serene atmosphere it creates in my home.
Geranium: It helps release negative thoughts & memories, opening the mind to positive influences.
Rosewood: Has a very relaxing & empowering effect. This oil is very grounding & strengthening to our inner selves, bringing confidence.
Lavender: Relaxing and calming, This powerful essential oil causes feelings of well-being & tranquility.
Sandalwood: Used for meditation, it may help remove negative programming in thinking patterns.
Frankincense: Helping to defeat stress & the blues. It has been used since ancient times in religious rituals of meditation and prayer.
Orange: Also known as the “Happy Oil” orange essential oil lifts the mood and causes relaxation. The smell of orange essential oil brings feelings of confidence & security.
Lemon: Revives & gives us energy, stimulating us with a deep sense of well-being & inner strength. (pass the lemon essential oil, people!)
Angelica: Helps bring memories back before trauma or anger was experienced, which helps us to release negative feelings & move toward emotional healing.
Hyssop: Emotionally balancing & spiritually uplifting. Hyssop essential oil is also known for inspiring creativity.
Spanish Sage: High in limonene.
Jasmine: Relieves hopelessness often accompanying a poor mood. Jasmine essential oil is also helpful in alleviating nervous exhaustion & stress. Smells awesome too.
Roman Chamomile: Supports normal liver function where anger & negative emotions are stored. Roman chamomile essential oil helps with restlessness and overcomes stress.
Bergamot: Relieves stress, creates feelings of calm & uplifts your mood.
Ylang ylang: Very relaxing and creates a sense of grounding & confidence. It is also thought to balance male & female energies, creating emotional wholeness.
Palmarosa: Stimulating, invigorating & revitalizing.
Rose: The ultimate essential oil creates a sense of balance, harmony, and well-being while elevating the mind. Rose essential oil has the highest frequency among essential oils, bringing wholeness and joy. Rose is said to have a magnetic energy that attracts pure love.
Spruce: Helps to open & release emotional blocks, causing a sense of grounding and balancing of serenity.
- Put 2 – 4 drops in bath water for an amazing experience.
- Put several drops on cotton balls or tissues and put in or on air vents.
- Put 2 drops onto a wet cloth and put in clothes dryer for heavenly smelling laundry.
What do you do with it?
- Dilute one part Harmony essential oil blend to one part vegetable oil (olive or almond, not the Crisco stuff :P) for a full body massage.
- Put it on skin edge of ears, wrists, neck, temples, over heart, on bottoms of feet at Vita Flex points.
- Inhale it (smell it) directly out of the bottle. Put a drop on the palm of your hand & rub your hands together. Cup your hands over your mouth and nose and breathe in deeply several times.
- Diffuse it: Only cold-diffusers, please. Heat messes up essential oils. Young Living has several great diffusers
- Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser Item No. 4524 makes a mist with a couple drops of any essential oil and water. Plus, it looks really cool with colored lights & you can hook it up to your tunes. Comes with two 5 ml bottles of oil: peppermint & tangerine.
- Dewdrop Diffuser Item No. 5330 Custom designed with up to four hours of continuous run diffusion, automatic shut-off, and ambient light control, Young Living’s Dewdrop Diffuser can transform any space into a spa-like atmosphere. This one comes in the starter kit too!
- Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser Item No. 4524 makes a mist with a couple drops of any essential oil and water. Plus, it looks really cool with colored lights & you can hook it up to your tunes. Comes with two 5 ml bottles of oil: peppermint & tangerine.
Where else can you find Harmony essential oil blend?
It is part of the Feelings Collection of oils, Item No. 3125.