I’m willing to take a stand when it comes to the notion of Peace & Calming® as a major part of my ninja mom arsenal to create an environment of harmony, agreement, calm, serenity, composure, cessation, order, pacification, reconciliation, truce, unity, congeniality, contentment, hush, lull, quiet, relaxation, repose, rest, stillness, and tranquility (I do so love thesaurus.com.) Is there anyone out there who would be opposed to these qualities in their life? Kids, teenagers, dogs, and moms can benefit from this essential oil blend every day. Diffuse it in the common areas of your home before picking up the kiddies from school. Wayyy better atmosphere for everyone to unwind. As a mom, I have personally witnessed remarkable reduction in sibling rivalry and provoking behaviors. No kiddies? Diffuse it as soon as you get home, rub some on the paws of your pets, rub some on your own feet. No diffuser yet? Put a couple drops on a cotton ball and slide it inside your pillowcase. Put the cotton ball in a small open baggie if you’ve got designer pillowcases. If you’ve got designer pillowcases, go order a diffuser already!
What is Peace & Calming Essential Oil Blend Good For?
Blue Tansy gives a sense of calming
Patchouli provides strong grounding and centering. Ever had your days/nights backwards thanks to crying babies/puppies/bosses? Insert Peace & Calming blend here.
Tangerine oil in this blend is sedating and calming, helping with stress & nerves.
Orange oil elevates the mind and brings joy and peace.

Ylang Ylang oil increases relaxation and restores confidence and equilibrium.
A couple drops of Peace & Calming® rubbed on bottoms of feet and paws helps get that peaceful night’s sleep we always seek after. It also helps the battle against the Boogey Man and other middle-of-the-night stress inducing phenomena. I’ve heard ghosts and Bad Guys head for the hills once they get a whiff of Peace & Calming® oil.
Put Peace & Calming® with Bath & Shower Gel Base Item No. 3751 in warm water for a relaxing bath.
Diffuse while sleeping to help stop teeth grinding, restlessness, insomnia, and banish the stress and anxiety of the day.
Diffuse around those kiddies, and most definitely our beloved citizens of Planet Teenager to calm hyper anxiousness so commonly associated with this species. Who knows, maybe Peace & Calming®oil will someday bring about World Peace. Kum-by-yah.
What do you do with it?
Put it on bottoms of feet, wrists, forehead, temples, back of neck.
Inhale it (smell it) directly out of the bottle. A drop rubbed between your hands and cupped over your mouth and nose does the trick too.

Diffuse it: Only cold-diffusers, please. Heat messes up essential oils. Young Living has several great diffusers available:
- Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser Item No. 4524 makes a mist with a couple drops of any essential oil and water. Plus, it looks really cool with colored lights & you can hook it up to your tunes. Comes with two 5 ml bottles of oil: peppermint & tangerine.
- Dewdrop Diffuser Item No. 5330 Custom designed with up to four hours of continuous run diffusion, automatic shut-off, and ambient light control, Young Living’s Dewdrop Diffuser can transform any space into a spa-like atmosphere. This one comes in the starter kit too!
- Home Diffuser Item No. 4468 This diffuser is the most affordable, it uses ultrasonic stuff to make a mist from a few drops of essential oils and distilled water. As an extra bonus, when you buy this diffuser you also get 2 essential oils, Lavender and Citrus Fresh, in 4 ml bottles
Where else can you find Peace & Calming® essential oil?
It is part of Everyday Oils Item 3695 and Essential 7 Item No. 3120 essential oil kits.
image:Pink Sherbet Photography