Moms with teenagers are surely aware of the extreme need to make the overabundance of pans go away. Some might say that Young Living came through once again for desperate housewives suffering from too much cookware, but they would be wrong. Apparently, anything that supports our bodies in response to the word “ouch” is considered medicinal and regulated by the FDA. I must be under that jurisdiction, as when any body in my family cries ouch, I respond and support said body.
PanAway® supports the body’s natural response to irritation and injury, minus the cookies and milk. This blend helps relieve sore muscles as well as frazzled nerves. Containing peppermint, wintergreen, clove and helichrysum essential oils, PanAway® Essential Oil blend is ready to bring relief from the nasties of life. [image: chrisinplymouth:flickr]
What is PanAway® Essential Oil Blend Good For?
- A couple drops on forehead, temples, back of neck relaxes my head.
- PanAway® blend is great for minor bumps supports normal circulation
- Athletes use PanAway® blend to get them back in the game quickly and attend to sore muscles.
- Some people use PanAway® to remove black scuff marks from shoes.
What do you do with it?
Put it on skin location, forehead, temples, back of neck.
Inhale it (smell it) directly out of the bottle.

Diffuse it: Only cold-diffusers, please. Heat messes up essential oils. Young Living has several great diffusers available:
- Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser Item No. 4524 makes a mist with a couple drops of any essential oil and water. Plus, it looks really cool with colored lights & you can hook it up to your tunes. Comes with two 5 ml bottles of oil: peppermint & tangerine.
- Dewdrop Diffuser Item No. 5330 Custom designed with up to four hours of continuous run diffusion, automatic shut-off, and ambient light control, Young Living’s Dewdrop Diffuser can transform any space into a spa-like atmosphere. This one comes in the starter kit too!
- Home Diffuser Item No. 4468 This diffuser is the most affordable, it uses ultrasonic stuff to make a mist from a few drops of essential oils and distilled water. As an extra bonus, when you buy this diffuser you also get 2 essential oils, Lavender and Citrus Fresh, in 4 ml bottles
Where else can you find PanAway® essential oil blend?
It is part of  the Everyday Oils Kit
[image: kpishdadi:flickr]
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