A great way to share the power of essential oils is by gifting others with one of our three Holiday Mini Kits.
Relaxation Mini Kit (Item No. 4871):
My personal favorite and even approved of by citizens of Planet Teenager (gasp!) This kit comes with Idaho Blue Spruce (Item No. 3093) with its pleasing evergreen scent, the everyday essential blend Peace & Calming (Item No. 3393 for the big 15 ml bottle), and Sacred Mountain (Item No. 3414 for 15 ml bottle), a beautiful, inspirational blend that really helps you connect with yourself. You know, we become a little disconnected, a little scattered with all the holiday running around. Use these oils for a relaxing time-out for yourself and for your friends.
Spirit of the Season Mini Kit (Item No. 4872)
Spread some holiday cheer with this wonderful little collection which includes the “Happy Oil” (so dubbed by yet another citizen of Planet Teenager when he was much smaller) which is Orange (Item No. 3602 for 15 ml.) Just try to stay grumpy while smelling this oil– it won’t work! The Gift is an amazing blend of 7 essential oils inspired by a character from a novel by our own Gary Young. Rounding out this group is Idaho Balsam Fir (Item No. 3316 for 15 ml). I don’t know what it is about Idaho, but wow, some incredible essential oils come from there. This essential oil is known for balancing moods, increasing spirituality, and it’s been known to help out quite a bit with some of the basketball soreness we’ve had around our house.
Healthy Home Mini Kit (Item No. 4780)
This cute little group of 5 ml bottles is a great way to introduce your friends to green, non-toxic, healthy ways to make your home a healthy haven of happiness (cheesy, I know, I just couldn’t resist. Planet Teenager citizens everywhere are collectively rolling their eyes right now.) Thieves blend (Item No.3423 for 15 ml) is the mother of all blends around the home– it slices, it dices! You can drink it, clean your laundry with it, wash your floors with it, and use it as a mouthwash all at the same time. How cool is that? Next in this mini kit is Purification blend, which clears the air of all the musty, yucky smells that accumulate, bugs don’t like it, and is a great support of my normal, healthy wellness. Finally, we have R.C. blend (Item No. 3405 for 15 ml) which brings new meaning to breathing freely for my family. If I could, I would turn my bedroom into a rain forest of R.C. (sometimes I do) which supports my normal, healthy ability to breathe deeply and clearly without struggle. Your lungs will love R.C. blend, I just know it.
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